Text Mode

Text Mode is a way to edit Desmos graphs using plaintext (code) instead of the vanilla approach which uses MathQuill (fancy math formatting) and UI menus.

The easiest way to get started with Text Mode (once you have DesModder installed) is by switching to text mode on an existing graph.

For example, the graph at https://www.desmos.com/calculator/jioybtjgo7 becomes

settings @{
  randomSeed: "ba9f5c1341fffbc57ac9c50540018465",
  viewport: @{ xmin: -10, xmax: 10, ymin: -10, ymax: 10 },

y = (1 / (4 * p)) * x ^ 2 @{
  color: "#c74440",
  lines: @{ opacity: 0.9, width: 2.5, style: "SOLID" },

p = 3 @{ color: "#2d70b3", slider: @{ min: 0.1, max: 20, step: 0 } }

(0, p) @{
  color: "#c74440",
  points: @{ opacity: 0.9, size: 9, style: "POINT", drag: "AUTO" },

Learn the Language

If you want a more guided tutorial than playing around with converting graphs to Text Mode, here's some more pages, in no particular order:

Notable Bugs

Text Mode Pros and Cons

