
Statements are the core of graphs. They are all based around some math expression, with an optional style mapping and (for regressions) a regression value mapping.

The style mapping options below are listed divided by type of statement because many options are useless for other types. However, this is not currently enforced; unused options are often ignored without a warning.

As a reminder, press Ctrl+Space while inside a style mapping to preview some available options.

Comparison (Equation or Inequality)

// Equation
y = 2 * x + 5
sin(x) = sin(y)

// Inequality
y < 2 * x + 5
sin(x) * sin(y) >= 0


a = 5;

Function Definition

f(x) = x + 1
f(a,b,c) = a + 2 * b + c

No styles are supported besides the default id, pinned, and errorHidden



TODO vizProps styles


a + 1 ~ sin(a)
residuals = y1 ~ a * x1 + b
y1 ~ a * x1 + b # {
  a = 2.3
  b = 4.7

Constant calculations

1 + 7/2 @{ displayEvaluationAsFraction: true }

Style Mapping

Lines, Points, and Fill

y < 2 * x + 5 @{
  color: BLUE,
  // fill opacity
  fill: 0.5,
  lines: @{
    opacity: 0.5,
    width: 20,
    style: "DASHED"
(2, 3) @{
  color: "#c74440",
  points: @{
    opacity: 0.9,
    size: 9,
    style: "POINT",
    drag: "XY"

Valid line styles are "SOLID" (default), "DASHED", and "DOTTED"

Valid point styles are "POINT" (default), "OPEN", and "CROSS"

Valid drag styles are "AUTO" (default), "NONE", "X", "Y", and "XY"

Slider styles

a = 5 @{
  slider: @{
    playing: true,
    reversed: true,
    // period is specified in milliseconds
    period: 8000,
    min: 0,
    max: 20,
    step: 1

Regression styles

y1 ~ a * b ^ x1 @{ logMode: true }